Not so many years ago there was no such thing as a trillion dollars.  Well, maybe the number existed but it wasn't used to talk about real dollars. 

Now the US alone has trillions of dollars of DEBT.  There are industries that generate over a TRILLION dollars PER YEAR.

And not so long ago there was no single person who was a billionaire.  Now there are many! 

At this point I don't believe we have a number for dollars past trillion.  Again, it may exist but we don't yet use it in relation to money.

However, I think there will be a time when that next number will be used to describe money.  And it probably isn't that long of a time from now.

And soon there will be a single person who is considered to be a trillionaire.  That hasn't happened yet but it's on its way.

To me this just shows how the Universe continually expands to meet our need for money.  And it proves that money truly is unlimited. 

The real "currency" is joy.  The Universe generally gives us money in exchange for us being joyful.  Our desire for more and more money is granted by the Universe.  We don't have to worry about taking what is someone else's share - the Universe will expand to create more. 


This thought just occurred to me today.  There is actually a benefit to not always getting what you desire manifested instantly.

The reason being - it is an opportunity to develop your "faith muscles".  Faith doesn't always come instantly.  And Faith doesn't necessarily come from having a desire instantly manifested.

The Faith comes from having a desire, then getting through that gap of time from having the desire to manifesting it - yet all the while before it shows up believing and knowing it WILL SHOW UP.

Once you get Faith, you just have it.  You really only have to learn it once.  After you experience developing Faith and knowing you can trust it - then subsequent manifestations can come much quicker.  Or at least the time between asking and receiving feels better.  There isn't doubt - just knowing with ease that it's coming and the only reason it is taking time is because the Universe is lining it all up to be delivered perfectly.


What I love so much about the Teachings of Abraham is how they stress that feeling good is our whole reason for being here and the most important thing of all.

Think about it - the reason you desire anything is because at the root of it you think it will make you feel good.  Whether that is to have a certain car, to be in a romantic relationship, to be at a certain body weight, to have lots of money, to be healthy, to have a certain experience - you want it because it will feeling good having it or experiencing it.

In the book "Money is Love" (go to Important Links section to get the info on getting your own copy), the author stresses this principle as well.

And frankly that makes me feel very good.  I like knowing that our "job" while on this planet is to feel good and to have our desires manifest.  The reason is when we create our desires we are "expanding" the Universe.  We are actually doing the Universe a favor.  And as we expand the Universe it helps OTHERS realize they can do the same.

In Money and the Law of Attraction by Abraham-Hicks, there is mention of this guy who ran a 4 minute mile.  (Sorry can't remember the names and details and I could be wrong on the length of time).  Anyway, the point is - before this one guy did it everyone said it was IMPOSSIBLE to do - that no human could ever run that fast.  Well, this guy did it and after that suddenly quite a few people were able to do the same.

So the lesson is - many times people need to see others doing extraordinary things to realize it's ok for them to do the same.  Having a fantastic life just sends a SIGNAL to others that it is possible and achievable.

Also let's get down to some common sense.  Being happy and having your desires manifested just makes for a more joyful world.  Think about this - can you give to others when you have nothing?  Nope.  Can you lift others up when you are down?  No siree.  The world is just a better place when you are happy and have abundance. 

So it's not a matter of being "worthy" of having what you want.  It's really kind of your "duty" to help the Universe.  Whatever you want you can have - and in the having it you are helping out the entire UNIVERSE.  How cool is that?


I was visualizing things as I want them to be.  And the question came to mind, "How can I be happy with right now?"  And the answer came just as quickly, "Because how/what/where I am now is part of what I am wanting.  I could not want what I want if I wasn't the current me/having the current situations.  So if I weren't HERE now I couldn't be THERE later."  (Of course when the answer came it was a bit clearer than I'm able to express right now - or when I had to write it down in my journal.  lol)  I'm not sure if I'm explaining it very well but I just realized the Me I am now is and will be the Me of later - the one who manifested all I desired.  It's just part of a continuum - you have to be in one place before you can get to the other.  So where we are now is all good because it is the starting off point to where we will go to.