My Universe, My Reality

What does my world look like?  What does my world feel like?

It looks fun and feels good!  That is the basis of all that I want.  I want to feel good.

And the things that make me feel good - having more than enough money for anything and everything I need or desire. 

My life is one of ease and freedom.  I am free to do whatever I wish, whenever I wish and wherever I wish. 

My life includes a beautiful apartment in Paris, France (my favorite city).   I can see the Eiffel Tower from my apartment's terrace.  One of the first things I see in the morning is the Eiffel Tower and among the last thing I see at night is also the Eiffel Tower.

I spend my time in Paris just enjoying being there.  I love to explore the city and practice and improve my French.  I love visiting all the famous museums and buildings.  I love relaxing and people watching in the cafes.  I love getting around the city by the Metro. 

I also have a beautiful home on a gorgeous beach.   The sounds of the waves soothes me all day and all night.  I love walking along the white sand beaches and playing in the turquoise water.  I love the feelings of peace and serenity that fill me every moment I'm at the beach.

Elvis Presley - My Way
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A fun process for a visual representation of what one wants is with Mind Movies.  (For more info on getting your own mind movie click here.) 

Here are the ones I've done so far.  First is one of just beach images and the sound of the waves.  The second is all about money and the third is a general/all areas one.