Wow, it's been a while since I have posted some stuff.  However, I have been forming new habits and changing how I feel about things - which has been great.

I have a DVD I watched in which Jack Canfield talks about a NASA study in which these astronauts wore these convex googles for 30 straight days. 

The lenses made everything appear upside down.  But what they found was that every single one of the astronauts - at the 25-30 day mark their brain automatically "corrected" and what was upside down was right side up again - even though they were still wearing the googles.  In other words - their brains rewired after CONSISTENT daily practice.

Well, hearing that really inspired me and I decided to do certain things for 30 days - every day.

Oh, yeah, the EVERY day part is really important because NASA did another study and half of the astronauts took the googles off for only ONE day at the fifteen day mark.  After only one day off it still took another 25-30 days to get the rewiring done.  It was like it started back all over again.

So - starting on March 1st, I had begun to do things on a daily basis.  One thing was to write an affirmation 66 times (that's just how many lines were available on the front and back of the notebook I was using).  And yes, it was the exact same affirmation 66 times a day for now over 30 days.  (And if you're wondering the affirmation is:  "I have 3.6 million dollars in the bank!" - It goes along with the Money Is Love book I mention in the important links section.) 

Other things included meditation on a daily basis (and again I focused on having the $3.6 million.)

I have to say after 30 days my feelings about money have changed a good bit - for the better.  I really believe that $3.6 is coming.  I just do. 

Well, now that 30 days has gone by I wanted to add in some new habit stuff.  But it can get a bit tricky to track everything.  The tracking is an extra - just something I like to do.

But I came up with a little Excel spreadsheet that I'm going to have here if you want to use it yourself.  Obviously the events can be changed.  I even left myself some space in case a new idea came to me on something I wanted to do habitually.

Again, I can't stress enough how glad I am I decided to be consistent and make some new habits.  It has made a big difference.


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Job Title:  Universal Expansion Agent

Department:  Joy Production

Duties:  Experience contrast to know what is really wanted.  Focus on what is wanted and feel the feelings of having what is wanted now.  Expand the Universe due to the wanting.  Increase joy in self and in the Universe.  Guide others to expansion and joy by your example.

Qualifications:  Must be able to appreciate.  Must be willing to pivot and seek relief and the better feeling thought.  Must be willing to want to feel good.  Must know that anything that feels good is true while anything that feels bad is false.  Ability to focus independently of observation. Able to listen within self.

Salary:  unlimited (each Universal Expansion Agent determines what salary they desire)

All should apply as all will be accepted.  No verification of worthiness is necessary - worthiness is a given and guaranteed.


I absolutely love the beach and being there makes me feel so calm, peaceful, relaxed and happy. 

After my last trip to the beach - where we had the balcony door open every night to listen to the waves all night long - I felt the need to find some wave sounds to have at home.

I found a really great mp3 to download instantly called Midnight Surf - over an hour and fifteen minutes of soothing waves.  I then copied it to a cd and played it in my little bedside boombox on repeat all night long.

So the other night I was meditating and visualizing being at the beach and I thought - you know, I'm going to play the waves.  Then a little bit later I thought, I need beachy smells.

(Which made me wonder if there was a true beachy scent available.  I did research the next day and I think I may have found a winner.  I will update on that once the fragrance arrives.)

The best thing I had available was some suntan lotion.  So I sniffed on that and listened to the waves and got into my head as well.

I really thinking using as many senses as possible helps to feel what you are visualizing so much more.  I personally am not great at visualization so any boosts with my other senses helps enormously.

Next I will get some sand and stick my toes in the sand as I visualize.  Offhand, I can't think of any foods that make me think of the beach.  Hmmm, maybe a pina colada!  Yeah!

So my next visualization of the beach will include:  touch (sand), taste (pina colada), sound (waves cd), smell (suntan lotion or that fragrance if it's any good) and of course my inner sight/mind's eye. 

I did just make a little "mind movie" with the wave sounds and images of the beach.  That's over in the My Universe page.


This weekend I have been reading the book "Money is Love".  The author is taking us along the process of creating $3.6 million dollars.  I had the idea to not just FEEL like I already have that money but to see it physically.

So I decided to create a physical representation of that amount of money.  What I did was find images of money.  I ended up printing an image of a 100 dollar bill.  Then I figured out how to make it look like stacks of $100 bills.

I used phone books and magazines and also printed those bands that go around stacks of 100 bill.  Mainly I just taped the pages of $100 bills (I printed 6 bills to a legal sized page) to the top of a stack of magazines - with the bands that said $10,000.  I guesstimated how tall a stack of 10 (equalling $100,000) would be.  

I did make one single stack of "$10,000" by cutting up a catalog.  I wanted at least one stack I could riffle through like it was really stack of 100 $100 bills. 

Below is a picture of my big box of money.  I have to say it feels GREAT to look at it.  It really helps me FEEL like I have that much money.

Also I had some left over sheets of $100s so I am putting those in my wallet - of course, not to spend, but to feel like I could if I wanted. 

I've also included the file so you can print those $100s on legal sized paper.  It's a word doc. 

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