My friend, Ande, made a good point about originally calling this an experiment vs a project.  Using the word experiment implied not truly believing and the potential for checking in constantly and looking to take score and be really caught up in the current "what is"-ness of my reality.

So I took that to heart and changed it from an experiment to project.  And I went in with the awareness that it is very easy to want to look for results and take score.

Thus I am working to be conscious of NOT being too caught up in "reality" and what is but to appreciate when good stuff does come up and I notice it naturally.

I've done lists of all the things I'm milking (an Abraham thing - milk and really relish the good stuff - no matter how small) and so I want to continue that with this project.

I've been focusing on what feels good and working on being aware if I'm in negative thinking and gently shifting away from that.  I've played with finding a better thought vs just distracting myself and stopping thinking about that topic completely.  Usually distracting wins!  lol

I am thrilled to report that I have noticed a lot of good stuff coming up - though I wasn't LOOKING to find physical results.

Here's some of what I have to milk and what I've noticed just since starting:

* Well, just noticing that I'm noticing my thoughts better.  Awareness is really key and I'm grateful that I'm becoming more aware.

* Easily getting paid for finishing up a website for someone.

* Ending up making a bit more because of a problem that came up that I fixed.

* Getting a totally unexpected check from...of all mortgage company!  I've NEVER gotten money back from them.  But I got a check for a nice chunk of change for calculated OVERAGE on my escrow account. 

*  The mortgage thing gets better - in addition to the check I got back from the escrow account overage my payments are going to be LOWER.  They'd already gone down starting January, now in March they're going down a bit more.  Nearly $20 less per month.  (Which now means my payments are OVER $100 less than what they were last year.)

* The guy I do part time editing work for referred me to a friend of his and that guy called yesterday and things are going to be a go there.  Seems like it will be a fun and easy part time/work from home thing.  And it starts in a few weeks.

* I got a knock on my door today from someone offering me a better deal on my trash pick up.  I'd actually been thinking about switching and even had seen this particular company's info somewhere (can't remember where) and then they show up at my door.  How easy is that?  This new company will save me about $70 a year on trash pick up.  It's not a ton - but hey, $70 is $70.  

* Right after starting the project, I went to work and ended up making more in tips than I'd anticipated.

* Yesterday did an editing job for the guy mentioned above - so more $$ there.  

So focusing on feeling good and getting into alignment is already having nice results.  

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