Not too long after I first got into my "spiritual path" (but before I'd heard it termed The Law of Attraction) I was reading a great book by Wayne Dyer called "You'll See it When You Believe It".  In other words, you have to have the Faith that what you want will come even before you have had any physical evidence of it.

And that book inspired me to start meditating.  So I'd set up my guest bedroom into a nice, calming space to meditate.  One night I thought about what my dream job would be.  (I was currently doing temp work and bartending.)  I thought of elements that I'd like - though trying to not judge them as being not possible.  But I also tried to not be TOO specific as the Universe is so unlimted and creative you just never know what it will come up with.

A day or so later I had that "nudge"/that FEELING I should contact a certain person.  As it so happens I'd lost contact with this person, let's call them "B".  At that point I hadn't talked to them in probably 2 years or so.  And the last few times I'd calling the number I had for them I got one of those robotic sounding answering machines that give no information as to who you're actually calling.  I'd left messages and never heard back - so I had no idea if B still had that number.

But after that meditation on my dream job I felt I should try calling him.  I did and he actually answered.  And then went on to say how he was about to hunt me down because he'd started and company and thought I'd be perfect for working with them.

He explains what I will be doing and it sounds great.  Way, way outside the box (which goes to show why you shouldn't put too many restrictions and limitations on what you want.  I'd never have imagined doing this sort of work in a million years).  However, I wouldn't be able to start for about 2 months. 

So from the time of learning about this job (of which of course I never had to apply for or interview for - how easy was getting that job, huh?) until I started I really had to keep the Faith.  I admit I had quite a few moments of wondering if it would really work out and all that stuff.

But whenever I felt fearful I'd stop those thoughts and almost chant to myself how it was going to work out and was going to be great and that I had Faith.

Seemingly before I knew it I started my first project.  And I did make a lot of money from it.  It turned out wonderfully!  As good or better than I imagined.

Between my first two projects I think I made as much or more money than I had in an entire year of working my last full time job. 

And I worked WAY less.  I usually worked for two weeks (and getting to travel - which I love) and then I'd have a couple weeks off, doing just a bit of work from home.  So I had a ton of freedom, no boss looking over my shoulder, lots of time off, traveling with the job and making very good money.

So yes - believing and keeping that Faith truly brings in what you desire.  That job was positive proof of just that.

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