I received some credit card bills in the mail today and yesterday.  And I'm actually able to feel a lot of appreciation for them.  A couple of them have a minimum payment that is very low.  And they are at 0% interest - so I'm getting this money for "free" so to speak for a while.

I also appreciate the faith these creditors have in me - to lend me this amount of money.  By having this money it is allowing me to have my current lifestyle.

I have the wonderful opportunity to really understand the Universe and what I really want - all without being distracted by a job or obligations - and yet I still have more than enough money to pay my bills. 

I enjoy being able to spend my time how I want to.  And the credit card debt is what has made it possible at this time.  I asked and it was given by the Universe.

And from having this debt I have noticed the contrast of preferring to have money come in ways where it does not have to be paid back.  In other words - I am become more specific in what I want. I have fine tuned it.  And that is part of the process and journey. 

Also I appreciate knowing that this period of debt is only temporary.  It is simply a vehicle that I'm using for now that allows me to have the feeling of having what I want.  Because of this free time the credit card debt allows me I can really get into the feeling of how I want my life to be - I only have to change my vibration on some of the specifics.  This debt helps me get into the FEELING place of having money come to me and being able to spend my time as I want all while doing so very little if I choose.



I spent a little time outside tonight and I felt a lot of appreciation for the outdoors.  For one thing it was pretty warm (considering it's February).  And there was a full moon.  Absolutely beautiful.

I really enjoy sitting out on my back deck on nights like this and soaking up the moonlight.  In some ways it makes me so aware of how small we all are and how tiny our lives are in the scope of the entire Universe.

But that thought is comforting as well because it means that all the things we thing are so huge and such a big deal really aren't. 

In other words - This too, shall pass.

Despite feeling tiny at times when I contemplate the Universe, when I stare at the moon and the stars I do feel that connection with the Universe.

Another thing I was appreciating was the purplish color to the sky and the way the trees look so inky black against it.  I have always loved that look of black (almost looks like velvet) against the purple sky.  I really want to recreate that look in a painting - either on a piece of paper or on a wall.  In fact, my guest bedroom is painted in a similiarish purple color.

Anyhoo - I really just enjoyed spending some nice time outdoors - especially considering how cold it was just a few days ago.  I love the feeling that spring is just around the corner!